
Featured Work

Blueberry Mini Cheese(less)Cakes with Edible Violas

Food Photography

Visual Arts

Playa del Carmen

Travel Photography

Meet Julie Q

Julie Quenneville is a skilled and inspired photographer and visual artist. Creating captivating work that showcases her eye for detail.

Her portfolio exhibits a range of projects that focus on her love of nature and capturing a moment of timely beauty.

Julie combines her passion for active living and wellness with artistic vision to creatively focus on the intricate details of the world around her.

When she’s not taking photos or creating artwork you can find her designing for the next Olympic or Paralympic Games. Check out her graphic design projects at twofoldcreative.ca


  • Baking
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Illustration
  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Post-Production
  • Styling

Get in Touch

Julie Quenneville